Sunday, July 29, 2012

To Transfer or Not to Transfer?

At 5 AM this morning, we were up and going.  I had to shower, do my treatment, eat breakfast, make coffee, and then of course take my progesterone in oil shot.

Then, we began our journey to the clinic for what felt like the millionth time. We ended up making great time, and we got there before 8 AM. We went in, and the doctor wanted to check all of my vitals for signs of OHSS. So, we did just that.

Well, my vitals looked GREAT! My pulse was a little high, but it always is so he wasn't concerned. So with my weight being the same as on transfer day, my vitals being good, and looking good, he wasn't concerned about OHSS. I could have told him that, but I get why it's better to be safe than sorry. Also, he did suggest a couple more options to help get rid of the constipation safely so that's what we'll work on when the issue arises again.

Then, he brought up the sweet little embryos that have been growing over the past 3 days.

Ahhh our sweet embryos! Who knew I could feel so nervous and excited for little dividing cells!

He told us that they have decided to push the transfer off because. . . *drum roll please*. . .

We have 4 PERFECT 8 CELL EMBRYOS!! This is the best they can be on day 3 so that's super exciting!

David and I almost cried lol..honestly. David even said, "I never thought I'd be this nervous about it," and Dr. agreed saying that he is ALWAYS nervous about how the embryos will do.

So, now we're hoping that they keep growing and dividing exactly the way they should, and we will have the transfer (provided at least one makes it to day 5) on Monday morning.



  1. This is great news!!! I'm so glad those little embryo's are growing. I can recall those days when my wife would receive the phone calls from the IVF lab letting us know how the embryo's were growing. It really is a hectic time because its out of your hands not to mention a lot of this stuff is. I cannot wait to hear how monday goes for the two of you.

    The next part is truly amazing watching them implant the embryo. Just think no one else ever witnesses this when creating a baby :) Enjoy this on monday. I remember sheading a few tears of joy!!

  2. AMAZING!!! I am so so happy for you! And John is cool to see your baby at his/her very first stages. Can't wait to see the outcome!

  3. Thank you both SO MUCH for your comments! We are truly ecstatic at this point! You are quite one gets to really see this stage. I feel blessed that we have even made embryos that have gotten this makes me feel hopeful, if that makes sense?

    John - I can see why you would cry! I almost cried just hearing they made it to day 3. It's truly amazing!

    Inhaling - I hope the outcome is positive! :) We shall see!!! :) And I agree...I think it's pretty amazing too!!!


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